What does the research say about RSO?

Rick Simpson decided to try cannabis oil after reading the results of a 1975 studyTrusted Source that tested the use of cannabinoids in mice with lung cancer. The study found that both THC and another cannabinoid called cannabinol (CBN) slowed the growth of lung cancer in mice. Since then, there’s been a good amount of researchTrusted Source involving cell samples and animal models that look at the effects of cannabinoids on cancer growth. A 2014 study on mice examined the effects of THC and CBD extracts alongside radiation therapy. The cannabis extracts appeared to increase the effectiveness of radiation against an aggressive type of brain cancer. According to the study’s authors, these results suggest that THC and CBD may help to prepare cancer cells to respond better to radiation therapy. However, another study involving human cells found that THC actually increased the growth rate of certain lung and brain cancer cells. Recently, there have been a few early-stage clinical trials in...